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Rencontres francophones de la vidéo mobile

– 2nd edition, Paris, February 8th, 2018 –

Sharing experiences

The best french-speaking experts share their knowledge during the event

Workshops and training sessions

A large range of training sessions before and after the event with expert trainers

Gear and accessories

Handling gear, applications and accessories dedicated to mobile video

Ten years after the launch of the first iPhone, producing videos with smartphone is becoming usual for journalists, trainers and even some movie directors. This new tool comes with perpetually evolving accessories, applications and techniques. One time a year, french-speaking experts meet to share their experiences and talk about the latest innovations during the Rencontres francophones de la vidéo mobile in Paris.

The event

Second edition of the professional event dedicated to the production and mobile video usages, the Rencontres francophones de la video mobile 2018 gather again this year french-speaking experts and enthousiast people from the mass media, communication, cinema and visual creation field.

When and where ? 

The Rencontres francophones de la vidéo mobile 2018 will take place on the 8th of February 2018 at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (direct access from the center of Paris and from airports).

The speakers

Marc Settle

Marc Settle

Trainer at the BBC Academy (United-Kingdom)

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Marc tries in a compulsive way every new app of video content production.
Francesco Facchini

Francesco Facchini

Journalist, trainer and video producer with smartphone (Italy)

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He tries everyday to convince his colleagues of mobile video’s potential.
Guillaume Kuster

Guillaume Kuster

Journalist and trainer (France/Finland)

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Former journalist at France 3, he’s one of the precursors of mobile video in the French and European mass media, foundator of the podcast video mobile.
Thomas Seymat

Thomas Seymat

Journalist specialized in 360° video and VR at Euronews (France)

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Journalist expert on 360° video and Virtual Reality, he’s developing the experimentations of the international channel on these new territories.
Olivier Ravanello

Olivier Ravanello

Co-founder of the media « Explicite » (France)

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International news former specialist of the tv channel iTélé, Olivier founded the media « Explicite » with former colleagues. This media gives mobile video a good deal.
Nick Arcivos

Nick Arcivos

Founder of AmnesiArt and movie director (France)

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He and Ryan are in love with beautiful pictures and stories. Their recent movie realized with an iPhone X « Made in Paris » with the pastrycook Elise Lepinteur, from Christophe Adam’s team, had been appreciated around the world.
Christophe Tartavez

Christophe Tartavez

Sennheiser Marketing manager (France)

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Sennheiser, leader company in professional headphones and microphones design.
Chloé Rochereuil

Chloé Rochereuil

Journalist and co-founder of the production company Targo (France)

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Between 360° video, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), she multiplies collaborations with The New York Times, USA Today, Euronews, France info, France Télévisions, Al-Jazeera English.
Adrien Bralion

Adrien Bralion

Producer et cofounder of La Belge Prod – Rainbow Partners (Belgium)

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Adrien is the producer of the successful web serie #PLS, a daily Snapchat story vertically shot with an iPhone.
Xavier Collombier

Xavier Collombier

Journalist at France 3 (France)

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Xavier is also a digital coordinator at France 3
Pierre Boucaud

Pierre Boucaud

General director of TV8 Mont-Blanc (France) 

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After the launch of the tv channel Calédonie in New Caledonia on the way of mobile video, he did the same with the local tv channel in Annecy.
Sophie Berque

Sophie Berque

Web and transmedia manager at the RTBF (Belgium)

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She’s behind the web serie #PLS broadcasted on Snapchat and the fiction « Burkland », all of them produced with smartphones.
Adnen Chaouachi

Adnen Chaouachi

Journalist and trainer (Tunisia)

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Mobile video pioneer in Tunisia, Adnen Chaouachi works at the national radio, developing at the same time his trainer and independant producer activity.
Nicolas Becquet

Nicolas Becquet

Manager of L’Echo’s digital media (Belgium)

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Journalist, experimenter and mobile video trainer, author of the blog Mediatype.be.
Bertrand Soulier

Bertrand Soulier

Creator of the local news website Cyber-bougnat in Clermont Ferrand (France)

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He produces videos on his smartphone everyday. He is also a consultant and a strategy and digital communication trainer.
Laurent Keller

Laurent Keller

Director of the local TV Léman bleu (Switzerland)

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The local TV channel of Geneva is the first channel of the world that chose to cover the news only with smartphones. And it’s been two years and half.

Marie-Stéphane Cattaneo

Marie-Stéphane Cattaneo

Producer and author (France)

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Producer and author of movies with smartphones
Victor Agulhon

Victor Agulhon

Journalist and co-founder of the production company Targo (France)

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Co-founder of Targo with Chloé Rochereuil, he’s also a professor at Sciences-Po University.
Olivier Predhomme

Olivier Predhomme

Trainer and cofounder of the media « Explicite » (France)

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After years of report for iTélé, Adrien embarked on the digital adventure with « Explicite ».
Charles-Henri Groult

Charles-Henri Groult

Mobile video trainer (France)

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Thanks to a targeted strategy and good quality contents, he boosted iTELE social networks.
Rémy Buisine

Rémy Buisine

Journalist specialized in live video for Brut (France)

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He became famous for ensuring long live broadcasts of #NuitDebout.
Diederick Legrain

Diederick Legrain

Chief editor of the South of Namur province TV, Matélé (Belgium)

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He multiplies experiences of mobile video in a local news context.
Ségolène Malterre

Ségolène Malterre

Journalist at France24 (France)

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Ségolène is in charge of Pas2quartiers, an online media about French suburbs in which contents are directly produced by residents with smartphones or video cameras.
Laurent Clause

Laurent Clause

Journalist and mobile video trainer (France)

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Author of the blog videonline.info and cofoundator of the podcast video-mobile. He also has initiated the mobile video MOOC of the Ecole des Gobelins.
Ryan Earl

Ryan Earl

Founder of AmnesiArt, photographer and movie director (France)

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He and Nick are in love with beautiful pictures and stories. Their recent movie realized with an iPhone X « Made in Paris » with the pastrycook Elise Lepinteur, from Christophe Adam’s team, had been appreciated in the entire world.
Zoé Decker

Zoé Decker

Reporter for the RTS’s broadcasting « 15 minutes » (Switzerland)

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She « translate » the news as stories for Instagram.

Sylvain Certain

Sylvain Certain

Producer and author (France)

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Producer and author of movies with smartphones
Patrick Thierry

Patrick Thierry

Documentaire maker and trainer (France)

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He is also the co-author of the mobile video MOOC of the Ecole des Gobelins.
Valérie Lemineur

Valérie Lemineur

Representative of BNP Paribas Asset Management (Belgium)

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Agile transformation leader at BNB Paribas Asset Management

Aurélien Viers

Aurélien Viers

Mobile video trainer (France)

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He participated to the development of video formats « explainers » and live videos via Facebook and to the définition of a new graphic charter for videos.

The exhibitors

Our partners

Contact vidéo mobile

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The program committee

Philippe Couve

Philippe Couve

Director of Samsa.fr and foundator of the Rencontres de la vidéo mobile [France]

Guillaume Kuster

Guillaume Kuster

Journalist and mobile video trainer [France-Finland]

Laurent Clause

Laurent Clause

Journalist and mobile video trainer [France]

Nicolas Becquet

Nicolas Becquet

Journalist, innovator and video mobile trainer [Belgium]

Bruno Smadja

Bruno Smadja

Foundator of the Mobile Film Festival


Adnen Chaouachi

Adnen Chaouachi

Journalist and video mobile trainer [Tunisia]

Laurent Keller

Laurent Keller

Director of Léman bleu, local TV 100% smartphone in Geneva [Switzerland]

Magali Philip

Magali Philip

Journalist and social media expert [Switzerland]

Diederick Legrain

Diederick Legrain

Chief editor at the local TV MaTélé [Belgium]

Follow #videomobile on the social network 


The Rencontres francophones de la vidéo mobile are a unique opportunity to meet professionals who produce videos with smartphone. We offer to exhibitors the prestigious salon Honnorat of the Cité Universitaire de Paris, a splendid space of 400 square meters (extensible to 800 square meters). For any further request about the stands’ price, contact us to the following address : video-mobile@samsa.fr

The podcast

Guillaume KusterLaurent Clause and Philippe Couve (trainers-experts in video with smartphone) offer you every 15 days a podcast dedicated to experiences, techniques, methods and accessories of pros for creating mobile video. Listen to the last episode :

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